Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I'm sorry it's been so long since I last posted. It's been very busy lately. We've been working on starting seedlings indoors since February. It's been busy. I have 196 plants started indoors. Not to mention the plants that can not be started indoors. We plan on doing lots of canning! We have been doing lots of "train watching" lately, which is simply driving to a railroad crossing and waiting for a train to come by! I can't tell you how thrilling it is! When Mom gets another camera, I plan on videoing the trains!!!!! Right now, Jared and I like to record them going by on our MP3 players! It's SUCH a cool sound!!!!

As I mentioned earlier we are doing a lot of gardening this year! And I mean a lot! We are going to use the "square foot gardening" system using raised beds, which has thousands of success stories behind it to back it up. We already have a "cold season crop" box in. We have started: arugula, lettuce, spinach, (my favorite) broccoli (Owen's favorite) and peas! We have sprouts in every one!

We've recently been blessed with some new friends in our life! A wonderful family of 10. They're also homeschoolers!!!!!! An added blessing is the fact they live about 15 minutes from us, so we can get together almost anytime, anywhere!

Today I made a fantastic sandwich bread! (by my standards!) Mom likes it too! The ultimate taste test is when Dad tastes it. He used to work in a bakery, so he knows what to look for in a good bread! My goal is to make lots of it (providing he likes it) and freeze it! There is so much garbage in store bought bread. See the link to the recipe!

Until next time,


Note: I have been trying to figure out how to make printable recipes so here is this week's,


  1. That bread looks yummy! Maybe you can make it for us to use for lunch the next time you come to visit!

    Love, Aunt Donna
